The Family Values Defense Union was founded on May 14, 2016 in Kyiv by public and political activists, volunteers and veterans of the war in Donbass In connection with increased activities of a number of extreme-liberal leftist organizations in the capital of Ukraine.

Healthy existence of the Ukrainian society is based on its traditions and especially on its traditional family values. There, at the battlefields, our families and children were the biggest motivation for every of us to fighting for!

And we consider unacceptable to impose Ukrainians destructive and extreme-liberal ideas, such as homosexuality or same-sex marriages. Its recognizing as a social norm would mean to deny and refuse the essence of Ukrainian culture, to ignore and insult the feelings of millions of Ukrainian Christians. And first of all, that would means to go against the concept of a traditional Christian family, which has a fundamental value for our national culture and which had helped us to preserve our nation for all those years of occupation by the godless Moscow's regime.

In addition, we emphasize that the promotion of LGBT propaganda as well as any attacks against the Ukrainian national and religious traditions can be considered as a violation of the 11th article of the Constitution of Ukraine, which declares on: "The State promotes the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture."

Considering the aforementioned could be assumed that by hiding behind the principles of democracy representatives of extreme-liberal organizations are often violating its basic principles. As was noted before, the LGBT propaganda and public actions are insulting the bulk of Ukrainian society.

Considering the aforementioned could be assumed that by hiding behind the principles of democracy representatives of extreme-liberal organisations are often violating its basic principles. As was noted before, the LGBT propaganda and public actions are insulting the bulk of Ukrainian society. Representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation are free to express their feelings to each other in their private apartments, not in a city center, and this is not an "oppression," but an elementary norm of decency!

We openly declare, that all the politicians, who support and promote the activities of extreme-liberal organisations, who promote their attempts to establish the regime of Ukraine-phobic censorship in the national media space or support pro-LGBT draft laws are anti-national and they are acting, first of all, in the interests of small marginal groups instead of advocate the interests of Ukraine. 

In addition we emphasize that this is unacceptable for a sovereign state to provide an opportunity to foreign ambassadors to promote any anti-social ideas.

We demand to:  

  • Take appropriate steps on securing protection of the Ukrainian traditional moral and Christian values and to stop any actions of extremist extreme-liberal character;
  •  Deny the draft laws on "same-sex marriage" and "right to adoption for same-sex families," which are a law basis for extreme liberalism;
  • Cancel force of resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 23, 2015 number 1393 "On approval of the action plan to implement the National Strategy on human rights for the period until 2020," as it failed the public debate, and was adopted mostly in the interests of lobbyists of legalization of pro-LGBT laws;
  • Do not allow the adoption of a draft law on same-sex partnerships, their property and other rights;
  • Ambassadors of foreign countries participating in such events have to be summoned to the Foreign Ministry to give official explanations.
